The Casino industry is highly competitive and so new side bets are always invented to attract new players. Side bets are simply the odds that add to the table but have a much higher bonus. Let’s learn about side bets at the game of Baccarat – the most loved and most interested subject in the player community with W88. BETS AT BACCARAT: The main bet of Baccarat is to bet on the Banker or Player which side has the higher score, the side bet here will be Banker/Player Pair or Super 6+ with payout rate is 11:1 or 18:1 Side bets on a Casino Baccarat table – Wide variety of bets for you to choose from SHOULD I PLAY SIDE BETS? After consultation and experience from longtime players, 90% recommend it because of the following reasons: Side bets do not affect the value of the main bet at all, winning is all hands. For example: a baccarat table bets that the Banker (BANKER) wins + the Player side bet (PLAYER) PAIR. BANKER output 2 – 7 and PLAYER output 6 – 6 Based on this result, 2 payouts will be paid at the same time, BANKER winning and double PLAYER. As mentioned above the bonus rate is too high. BANKER/PLAYER bets win only 1:1 or 0.95:1, TILES pay 8:1 but if the side bets can pay up to 20:1 even more. Side bets are an effective tool to help make casino tables no more boring and more interesting, but not all bookies have tables with many new types of side bets and attractive odds like other casinos. Casino W88 table. W88 Australia Customer Service:
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